The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a common procedure in modern molecular biology laboratories. PCR allows an Investigator (you) to make millions of copies of a specific DNA target. These copies allow comparison of individual samples by size polymorphism or DNA sequence. The methods in this book are designed to make the comparison of large numbers of individuals for a specific feature - for instance, the number of repeats within a gene or individuals in a population or the allele status of a mutation in a population. This book is for Investigators that already know how to set up PCR, but now need to set up A LOT of PCR.
This title contains five PCR setup diagrams and four agarose gel setup diagrams, along with an overview of PCR, brief hardware and lab materials information and a PCR troubleshooting diagram. This book does NOT have all of the answers, but it almost certainly DOES have a technique or two that will save you hours, if not days.